How this real estate agent earned $100,000 in GCI in 30 days without social media marketing

client results Jul 21, 2020

How this real estate agent earned $100,000 in GCI in 30 days

Is it possible to give yourself a raise in real estate regardless of the current market we find ourselves in? Can you make more sales, more money and a bigger difference for your clients...even in these hard times? In this video, David interview top agent Noah Lowder on how he did all 3...even when the odds were stacked against him. 

How this real estate agent earned $100,000 in GCI in 30 days

  • How Noah grew his business to earn $100K in 30 days
  • The top 3 things he did to make it happen
  • What changes he had to make in our current market to achieve those results

For more training and insights to improve your business and life, visit David's podcast at The Find A Way Podcast, By David Keesee

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