The Importance of Who You Hangout With

Sep 07, 2016

Who You Hang Out with Does Matter!

Yesterday I had an amazing realization.  I woke up, worked a little bit on what makes me happy and then golfed the rest of the day with a close friend of mine and then finished the day facetiming with with my brother.  I had a blast! More days should be like that.  

The lesson is to spend more time with those with those you love and who truly love and support you.  Your exposure to the right people automatically lifts you up and your exposure to the wrong people automatically brings you down.

The question is not… “Am i spending time with the wrong person?” though.  The question to ask yourself is… “Who am I when I hang around this person?”

It’s not about how they make you feel because nobody can make you feel anything.  That’s your choice.  But the person that you are being as a result of being around that person is an energy thing. Some people you hang around and they walk by and you watch the plants fall over and die.  Other people just show up and in their presence you feel amazing.  Get around the right people and your life will automatically become amazing.  

This is why coaching is so powerful…if you have the right coach.  If you have the wrong coach…coaching is a terrible experience.  If you have the right coach, success can naturally occur.  Because the right coach helps you make the right connections, meet the right people, see the world in a new perspective.  The goal is to simply structure your day like the day I just had so that you work with people you admire, trust and love doing things you love so that your life is automatically a life that you love.  And then tough times will never seem that tough.  

When I think back to the major relationships I’ve had in the past, some brought me down and some lifted me up.  I’m committed to having more of those relationships that bring the best out in me. How about you?

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